Saturday, November 12, 2005

Thank You, Vallejo

Thank You, Vallejo


As someone else once said, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. And I want to thank all Vallejoans who came out to vote last week. The turnout – far heavier than normal – was heartening and bodes well for democracy in this city we all love.

I especially want to thank those of you who opened your hearts and your homes and who supported me with your time, your talents, and, yes, your hard-earned dollars. You were the wind beneath my wings and I am deeply grateful.

I also want to thank those thousands of you who put your trust in me – and Stephanie - on election day. Your votes and her election have sent a strong and hopeful message. It is morning in Vallejo and change is coming.

That change, however, will not come easily and not without our continued involvement. Please, please, stay involved – for a better Vallejo, for our children. I pledge to be there with you.

Thank you, again. Maraming salamat. Gracias.
